Quality Management System

We ensure best service

At SME Electromechanical, we are committed to delivering high-quality products and services to our customers. To achieve this goal, we have implemented a comprehensive quality management system (QMS) that is designed to ensure that our products and services meet or exceed customer requirements and expectations.

Our QMS includes the following components:


  • Quality policy and procedures that outline our commitment to quality excellence and our approach to managing quality risks.
  • Quality planning processes that ensure that customer requirements and expectations are identified and incorporated into our products and services.
  • Quality control processes that monitor and verify that our products and services meet or exceed customer requirements and expectations.
  • Quality assurance processes that ensure that our quality management system is effective and continually improving.
  • Process improvement tools and techniques to identify opportunities for improving our products and services and our QMS.

We are committed to quality excellence and we strive to deliver the highest level of quality in all our products and services. Contact us today to learn more about our quality management system and services and how we can help you achieve your quality goals.

Have any questions? call us today!

+971 4 513 6662


For more information on our Quality Management System check our brochure.